The Veterans Administration announced that it will begin reviewing previously denied claims for disability for a specific category of Veterans arising from their service during the early years of the Vietnam Conflict. These veterans are known as the Blue Water Navy Veterans. These soldiers were denied service-connected disability compensation because they did not have “boots on the ground” in Vietnam. Yet, these veterans were still exposed to Agent Orange while serving on ships off the coast of Vietnam and Cambodia. It is presumed that many diseases and conditions suffered by Veterans later in life were caused from this exposure to the deadly herbicide. Consequently, if the disease or condition appeared on the list, then the veteran’s disability is presumed to be connected to this service. The amount of compensation to be paid is then determined on the basis of the severity of the service-connected disability. This new process of readjudication of previously denied claims will also apply to the survivors of deceased Vietnam era Veterans to ensure that all Veterans and their survivors receive the benefits they earned. Find out more through the link below: